Thursday, January 1, 2015

The rare Two-fer...

Two posts is a week! An amazing accomplishment for I've decided I want to talk about the New Year and goals. I don't do resolutions. They've become a joke anymore and if I want to do something, I don't want people looking at it and saying "Another list of things that will be ignored after the first week".  I have goals this year. And they are good ones for me. Here they are:

1) To get back on my exercise program. I was up to 50 pounds lost over a year before I got off my program and sadly put most of it back on. When you're overweight you feel it in every joint. It's not fun and I miss not hurting everyday. I use my fitness pal on my phone and if anyone else does, look for me (Stacey Greene) and we can be friends on their and support each other.

2) I will release the remaining two books in my trilogy, Binding Elements.

3) I will work on the anxiety I have with crowds so that I can interact better at conferences.

4) I will work on learning how to control my money, rather than it controlling me.

5) I will learn more about getting myself out there and using social media to raise the awareness of my books 

6) I will help who I can achieve their dream as so many helped me over the last two years

7) I will continue raising my daughter to the best of my ability and balancing both the day job and writing with spending time with her

Seven is a magical number so I'll stop there but there's always something new to accomplish and why limit yourself with lists! Go! Do what you can! Be a better person, parent, lover, friend and love life for what you can get and not hate it for what you can't. Focus on the good and let the bad slide past. Bad will happen but don't let it bury the good.

Loves, hugs and peace for the new year,

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